Saturday, August 26, 2006

the Mushroom story

Mushroom and I met on a NSW country road. He was a lonely, fluffy thing... that was very nearly wedged in the tread of my tires. Fortunately i saw him in time, so i picked him up and the rest is history...
Site of the rescue the day after


Loudlush said...

Awwwww indeed!!!! Tres cute (and very nice of you to come to Mushie's rescue). Keep us posted.

MyrtleKBracegirdle said...

Thank you :o). He is a gorgeous little guy (or girl, can't tell as yet lol)

Lourenço Viana said...

He's so cute!
Wonderful you saved his life! That's a really strong link between you two.

MyrtleKBracegirdle said...

i dont know about a strong link...but he does like to crap on my shoulder! lol

Anonymous said...

Mushy is gorgeous, she reminds me very much of my lil man named Mozart. He too is free now. RIP Mozart! Love Mummy!